Brands and their indentities is something I’m very passionate about.
Here you can find few proposals I made, some were aproved others were not.
Logos proposals for brands and identities
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Logos proposals for brands and identities
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New Kids on the Block, is a chef collective with the purpose of changing the tradiotinal kitchen and chef’s image.
Doing collaborations beetween, either with restaurants or specifics products their moto is to expand what a chef and a kitchen is.
Neitheir of this proposals were approved.
New Kids on the Block, is a chef collective with the purpose of changing the tradiotinal kitchen and chef’s image.
Doing collaborations beetween, either with restaurants or specifics products their moto is to expand what a chef and a kitchen is.
Neitheir of this proposals were approved.

Hair Spa by Karla Alexandre
The identity from karla I choosed was her signature combined with the font used at The Spa logo.
This proposal was not approved.

Erva Terrace
Erva Restaurant was ready to open its new summer project, its terrace.
With the reference of plats, as is the restaurant name this was the final proposal.
This is the current brand logo.
Erva Restaurant was ready to open its new summer project, its terrace.
With the reference of plats, as is the restaurant name this was the final proposal.
This is the current brand logo.

Gano is Soluna’s first EP. I made the identity for the ep focusing on the movement and flow os Sol’s music and dance.
Gano is Soluna’s first EP. I made the identity for the ep focusing on the movement and flow os Sol’s music and dance.